May 8, 2020
To support First Nation schools as they consider how to promote continuous learning opportunities in ways that are both effective and responsible, the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) are releasing our latest document, Online Learning Resources: Review and Privacy Considerations.
Online Learning Resources: Review and Privacy Considerations
Recognizing that continuous learning will look different from school to school, the resource includes information related to a number of online learning options that schools may want to consider as part of their delivery of educational services during the suspension of in-class instruction. The protection of student privacy is an important consideration while adapting to these new circumstances.
Given the wide variety of online learning options currently available, only a selection are covered at this time. We encourage your feedback as to how our resource can be continuously improved, including recommendations for additional platforms to be incorporated, or suggestions on how we can better address the needs and priorities of BC First Nation schools.
You can find this document and other recent publications on our Continuous Learning webpage.
We look forward to hearing from you.