The Math First Peoples Teacher Resource Guide (2020) is designed for teachers of Mathematics in British Columbia. It has been developed by the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC), supported by the BC Ministry of Education and it is grounded in the view that increased student success can be achieved through adjustments in pedagogy and approach that make mathematics feel more inclusive and engaging. Development of this resource has been guided by the recognition that
- teaching and learning with respect to First Peoples in British Columbia’s school systems should be based on authentic knowledge and understanding, as articulated by Elders, educators, and other content experts from within British Columbia’s First Nations and Métis communities
- decisions affecting teaching and learning with respect to First Peoples in British Columbia’s school systems should take appropriate account of the advice of community leaders from within the province’s First Nations and Métis communities
- while commonalities exist, First Peoples’ cultures within BC are extraordinarily diverse.
The 2020 revision of this document also supports implementation of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, specifically the call to “integrate Indigenous knowledge and teaching methods into classrooms” (clause 62) and “build student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect” (clause 63).
Accordingly, the goals of this guide are:
- to contribute to reconciliation for all by building greater understanding of the skills, knowledge, and perspectives of First Peoples for all students
- to ensure the inclusion of First Peoples knowledge and perspectives is done respectfully and without appropriating First Peoples knowledge
- to encourage and support the respectful development of local teaching and learning resources
- to provide support for the implementation of the BC mathematics provincially prescribed curriculum
For a hardcopy of this resource, please use our publications form to order. Quantities are limited.
We welcome your feedback on this resource.
Want to offer Math First Peoples in your school? For support and tips, contact us.
Adaptation Ideas
See FNESC/FNSA Teacher Resource Guides, Units, Lessons, and Activities for Blended or Remote Learning Contexts (Dec. 2020) for adaptation ideas relating to this publication. This guide is designed to identify the units, lessons and/or activities within FNESC/FNSA teacher resource guides that can be most readily adapted for remote or blended learning situations.
The Water-Keepers – CD Digital Content for Use with Teaching Mathematics in a First Peoples Context Grade 8 and 9 (2012)
Blackline Masters
1 Lahal Tally Sheet
2 Probability Terminology
3 Playing the Stick Game
4 Theoretical Probability
5 Stick Game Tally Sheet
6 What is Fair?
7 Hubbub Rules
8 Rules for Sticks in Hand
Sustaining the Land and Water
1 Factors that May Influence Data
2 Jennifer’s Salmon Stand
3 Using Samples to Collect Data
4 – Salmon Probability Game
5 Good Water Consequence Tree
6 100 Grids
7 What is Ratio
8 Using Excel to Create Graphs
9 Average Water Usage
The Built Environment
1 Circle Terms Domains
2 Circle Dwelling Project Instructions
3 Geometry Theorems
4 Salmon Probability Game
5 Template for Side View
6 Circle Dwelling Plan Assessment Master
7 Circle Unit Answer Key