The following resources are companion pieces to the Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Teacher Resource Guides.
Gr. 10, 11/12
Ron Nyce, "Leaving Home"
Chief Fred Robbins, "Toward Reconciliation"
Vancouver Councillor Andrea Reimer, "Toward Reconciliation"
Nora Greenway, "Survivors Speak"
Grand Chief Edward John, "Intergenerational Legacies"
Ron Nyce, "Intergenerational Legacies"
Dr. Jeanette Armstrong, "Intergenerational Legacies"
IntergenerationalLegacies CareyNewman 1
Chief Shane Gottfriedson, "Inside a Residential School"
Dr. Lorna Williams, "Inside a Residential School"
Nora Greenway, "Impacts"
Dr. Lorna Williams, "impacts"
Chief Fred Robbins, "impacts"
Keynote - 18th Annual Provincial Conference on Aboriginal Education