The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) is a policy and advocacy organization that represents and works on behalf of First Nations in British Columbia. FNESC has a mandate to support First Nations students and advance First Nations education in BC.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Response
See the latest information from FNESC, FNSA, and the IAHLA about impacts to our events or operations due to COVID-19, and find links to external resources. Also see the FNESC Communicable Disease Prevention Plan.


Follow @FNESC

The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) was founded in 1992 by participants at a provincial First Nations education conference at the Vancouver Friendship Centre. That visionary group of people determined the need for a First Nations-controlled collective organization focused on advancing quality education for all First Nations learners.

Learn more about FNESC.

The BC Tripartite Education Agreement: Supporting First Nation Student Success (BCTEA) has been signed, resulting in important and positive changes for First Nations education in British Columbia.

Learn more about BCTEA.

Did You Know?
Each year FNESC holds a series of community meetings called Regional Sessions to report on our activities and to seek input from First Nations on a wide range of education issues.